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  • NHS Health Check 

  • Making healthcare consultations matter

  • Supporting behaviour change

  • Diabetes

  • Diabetes prevention

  • CVD prevention

  • Obesity and weight management

  • Physical activity

  • Health Promotion

  • Mental health, CVD and wellbeing




I have 36 years of experience working within NHS health care. I am an experienced trainer, group facilitator and educator. 

I have 20 years of experience working as a diabetes nurse specialist and I am a trained DESMOND educator.  I have management experience as a commissioner of healthcare services and Prince 2 Project management qualification.

I also have had experience in facilitating weight management groups for adults and children MEND. I have been involved with the NHS health check service from its initiation and have seen the service through the eyes of provider, commissioner and trainer. I am a content director for Health Check Mentor an online training package for the program. Since 2016 I have been a PHE Nurse Champion for Physical Activity for SEC.

Working with we have developed the content for this unique online package, which is consistent and updated to the latest PHE Best Practice Guidance. This package can be used as a stand aloneor enhance face to face training by allowing providers time to assimilate their knowledge and / or revisit their practice with changes in guidance. The package offers commissioners quality assurance feedback on who has used the package and passed the assessment. For more information visit Onclick Ltd

We have worked with:

  • East Sussex County Council

  • West Sussex County Council

  • Surrey County Council

  • Hull City Council

  • Kingston upon Thames Council

  • Gloucestershire County Council

  • Suffolk County Council

  • Milton Keynes Council

  • Buckinghamshire County Council

  • Shropshire County Council

  • Telford Council


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